Glossary of Terms

This is a list of terms used by the One Washington program and within Workday. Only Workday terms have subcategories. To find a term, enter it in in the search box, and select 'Apply'.

Term Glossary Sub-Category Definition
Outcome measure Program

A measure of the result of a service provided. This type of measure indicates the impact on the problem or issue the service or program was designed to achieve. Also known as results.

System Disposition (related to Legacy System Remediation) Program

This term is used by the Legacy System Remediation Team to describe the categorization of legacy systems. The Remediation Framework launched in the late spring of 2022, offered three system disposition options to remediating agencies:

  1. Retire
  2. Maintain
  3. Modernize
Transportation budget preparation Program

Creation of a biennial plan for the revenues and expenditures necessary to support the administrative and service functions of (state) transportation agencies including (operations, safety) and the long-term financing and expenditure plan of capital assets.

Apparent Successful Bidder (ASB) Program

The lowest responsive and responsible Bidder as determined by the bid evaluation process and prior to Bidder negotiations.

Consultant Program

An independent individual or entity contracting with an agency to perform a professional service or render an opinion or recommendation according to the consultant’s methods and without being subject to the control of the agency except as to the result of the work. The agency monitors progress under the contract and authorizes payment.

End-user Program

Person or organization that actually uses a product, as opposed to the person or organization that authorizes, orders, procures, or pays for it.

Interagency agreements Program

An agreement between government agencies, entities or departments that defines cooperative work or services to be performed between them. The agreement defines the parties involved, the work performed and the transfer of resources, technologies and funds.

Record drawings Program

The revised drawings that truly reflect what was constructed including field verification.

Agency Support Team (AST) Program

The One Washington agency support team (AST) networkwas created to support a two-way flow of information between the One Washington project team and the agencies we serve.  The AST network is comprised of representatives from each state agency including a sponsor (typically an agency director or deputy director), a lead who provides project management support, and subject matter experts (SMEs) who are helping to prepare their agency's people, processes, and technology for the changes ahead.

Reimbursable expenses Program

Amounts expended for or on account of the project that, in accordance with the terms of the appropriate agreement, are to be reimbursed by the agency/institution such as telephone charges and travel expenses in accordance with state guidelines.

Agency Support Team Lead (AST Lead) Program

Our AST Leads serve as the point of contact for their agencies. They facilitate communications between their agency and our One Washington team, and serve as the primary day-to-day contact.

Budget Development System (BDS) Program

An enterprise application developed as a tool to assist agencies in building all components of the decision package and submitting operating and transportation budget requests online. The new Agency Budget System (ABS) replaced BDS in June of 2018.

Dashboard Program

A visually intuitive and easy to understand graphical representation of key performance indicator shown on a single screen.

Fast track Program

A process in which certain portions of the A/E's design services overlap with construction activities in order to expedite the owner's early occupancy of all or a portion of the project.

Lowest responsive and responsible bidder Program

The bidder who fully complied with all of the bid requirements and whose past performance, reputation, and financial capability is deemed acceptable, and who has offered the most advantageous pricing or cost benefit, based on the criteria stipulated in the bid documents.

Schedule of values Program

A schedule breakdown on a month-to-month basis by the contractor to show the intended percentage of completed work by the construction trades. The schedule of values is the basis for the amount of the request for payment by the contractor.

Capital budget preparation Program

Creation of the long-term financing and expenditure pan for acquisition, construction, or improvement of capital assets such as land and buildings, and for programs that accomplish facility improvements. The capital budget is included in an appropriation bill for a specific biennium; the Ten-Year Capital Plan is proposed by the Governor but not enacted into law.

Fund type Program

One of 11 classifications into which all individual accounts can be categorized. Governmental fund types include the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. Proprietary fund types include enterprise funds and internal service funds. Fiduciary fund types include pension (and other employee benefit) trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds and agency funds. See also: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Predesign study Program

A report and process completed at the beginning of a project that clearly and accurately defines the need/problem to be addressed. The predesign study provides an analysis of alternatives and describes the selected alternative in detail with cost estimates. This study is the basis for large stand-alone capital projects.

Normal maintenance Program

A systematic day-to-day process funded by the annual operating budget to control the deterioration of facilities; e.g., structures, systems, equipment, pavement and grounds. Planned maintenance includes: scheduled repetitive work, such as housekeeping activities, grounds keeping, site maintenance, and certain types of service contracts; and periodic scheduled work (preventive maintenance) that has been planned to provide adjustment, cleaning, minor repair and routine inspection of equipment to reduce service interruptions

Statewide Human Resources Database (SWHR) Program

A data store with both general government and higher education HR & payroll data. Used to augment data for the Compensation Impact Model, provide data for mandatory federal reporting (new hires, Affordable Care Act, and unemployment eligible/ineligible earnings, as well as business intelligence/data analytics for higher education and general government data.

Agency Program

Any state office or activity of the executive and judicial branches of state government, including state agencies, departments, offices, divisions, boards, commissions, institutions of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016, and correctional and other types of institutions.

Cloud Program

As opposed to systems maintained on-premise, the Cloud is a network of remote, internet-based systems hosted on the internet used to store and process data.

Governor’s emergency fund Program

An appropriation made available to the Governor for unforeseen expenditure requirements in state agencies.

Project Program

Accumulates costs for planned work over a period of time for planned outcome that may be capitalized or expensed. Project types include non-billable, billable, capital and opportunity. Project can be subdivided into sub-projects, phases and tasks.

Legacy System Remediation System Disposition: Retire Program

The definition of the Legacy System Disposition Retire includes the following components:

  • Decommission:  Eliminate agency system altogether; adopt Workday.
  • Replace:  Eliminate agency system and replace with a new alternative system for the line of business functionality and use One Washington integration services.

Absorb:  A portion of the agency system can be absorbed (partially retired) by Workday and use One Washington integration services (decouple the finance functionality).

Treasury funds/accounts Program

Accounts that have cash on deposit in and under the control of the State Treasurer and are disbursed by means of a warrant of electronic means. Treasury accounts are subject to appropriation unless specifically exempted.

Appropriation Program

A legal authorization to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes from a specific account over a specific time period. Appropriations typically limit expenditures to a specific amount and purpose within a fiscal year or biennial timeframe. Only the Legislature can make appropriations in Washington State.

Contingency Program

The need for cost contingency is generated by a lack of information, at a particular point in time, for the task being estimated. Appropriate contingency amounts are dependent on the degree of risk present and the extent of the technical challenge surrounding the task. The design contingency legitimately covers uncertainties in a project and should be reduced through each phase of the design. Construction contingencies should be limited to 5 percent on new construction and 10 percent on remodeling work. Contingencies should not be considered as opportunities for extra work or to change original budget decisions

Energy life cycle cost analysis review Program

As required by RCW 39.35, the Department of Enterprise Services will review the Energy Conservation Report (ELCCA) for a project. The fee for this review shall not exceed $2,000 unless mutually agreed to.