Project Resources

Agency Legacy System Remediation or Retirement

2023-2025 Remediation Funding Pool

Legacy System Remediation Funding Pool Overview

The Agency Technology Pool provides funding to the state agencies needing additional support to remediate their systems to exchange data with Workday. All Technology Pool requests from agencies were reviewed and refined by One Washington and then submitted as one consolidated funding request, which was approved during the 2023 Legislative Session. This funding will support resources within the agencies to work on remediation work.  

One Washington 2023-25 Scope. The primary focus for the 2023-25 biennium is Phase 1A-Core Financials (Agency Financial Reporting System [AFRS], Cost Allocation Systems [CAMS], Capitol Management Asset System [CAMS], and Solomon Account Receivable replacement).    

Eligibility Criteria
  1. Systems for which tech-pool funding is requested, must be on the impacted systems inventory managed by the LSR team. 
  2. Systems using the crosswalk are not eligible for the Phase 1A remediation funding 
  3. Phase 1A Workday-impacted systems to determine their remediation work plan(s), schedule(s) and related resource needs.  
  4. Agencies submit workplan(s), schedule(s),and resource workbook to the One Washington program. 
  5. State job classes that can be supported with LSR Funding Pool: 
  • Fiscal Analyst/Specialist/Technician 
  • IT Application Development 
  • IT Architect  
  • IT Business Analyst 
  • IT Data Management 
  • IT Policy & Planning 
  • IT Project Management 
  • IT Quality Assurance 
  • IT Security 
  • Management Analyst 
  • WMS 

The One Washington Technology Pool Committee will review each agency’s completed work plan(s), schedule(s) and resource workbook. The committee will work with agencies to gather any additional information needed to validate their requests. The committee will determine what LSR agency resource requests are included in the Legacy System Remediation Pool component of the One Washington decision package. 

The committee is comprised of:

  • One Washington business owners,
  • One Washington functional team (finance, human resources/payroll, budget and procurement) leads, 
  • LSR and technology team staff and
  • One Washington budget manager

For more information, contact One Washington.

 State Job Classifications Eligible

State job classes that can be supported with LSR Funding Pool:

  • Fiscal Analyst/Specialist/Technician 
  • IT Application Development 
  • IT Architect  
  • IT Business Analyst 
  • IT Data Management 
  • IT Policy & Planning 
  • IT Project Management 
  • IT Quality Assurance 
  • IT Security 
  • Management Analyst 
  • WMS 


Instructions for Agencies Already Participating
  1. Update resource workbooks based on updated workplans and remediation timeline data that was submitted to LSR as part of pass 3 by June 30, 2023.   This includes identified resources in fiscal year (FY) 2024 versus FY 2025.  
  2. Remove any systems and related resources that are using the crosswalk.  
  3. One Washington will send the approved workbooks to agencies for updates.  
  4. Submit the updated resource book to
Allocations and Allotments

The LSR Funding Pool funding is subject to the conditions, limitations and review requirements of section 701 of 23-25 budget (Chapter 475, Laws of 2023).  As a result, One Washington is required to complete a Technology Budget and receive approval for the Technology Pool-Agency Remediation Costs Subproject Phase 1A.  When the Technology Budget is approved, One Washington will work with OFM-Statewide Budget to release allocations to agencies.    

Agencies will receive an allocation letter and an update to their Expenditures Authority Schedule. Once you receive the allocation letter from OFM Statewide Budget, prepare your allotments as directed by the letter using the expenditure authority code provided in the letter. 

Monthly Reporting

As a condition of this funding, agencies must submit monthly reports (including staffing equivalent used and the cost by fiscal month compared to the budget spending plan) to on the template provided by One Washington no later than three business days after fiscal month close. 

Please continue to update the status of the originally approved systems and note the following: 

  • Ensure actual hours are presented.
  • Do not add new tabs or change the names of tabs (i.e., multiple Work Plan tabs). These changes interrupt the data import into PowerBI.
  • Use the expenditure authority code provided by Statewide Budget so AFRS correctly reflects the cost. This will allow One Washington to fulfill legislative reporting requirements.
  • Ensure that your agency's status report and expenditures in AFRS match. One Washington reports monthly on the utilization of LSR funds to the Washington State Information Technology (IT) Dashboard. The LSR Remediation Funding Pool is set up as a subproject of Phase 1A Technology Pool - Agency Remediation Costs Subproject Phase 1A.
  • These reporting requirements can be found in Section 135(3)(f)(iii): A report identifying each state agency that applied for and received technology pool resources, the staffing equivalent used and the cost by fiscal month by agency compared to the budget spending plan by fiscal month.

Until Go-Live in July 2025, AFRS is still the financial database of records, and as such, monthly reports should reflect actual expenditures. 

2024 Supplemental Budget Requests and Related Agency Requests

All One Washington-related budget requests, including agency requests, must be submitted to One Washington to be considered for inclusion in the consolidated enterprise wide One Washington decision package. One Washington-related agency requests will be limited to the Legacy System Remediation (LSR) Pool.

Agencies that are not already participating in the LSR Pool should contact One Washington as soon as possible to determine eligibility.  Remediation funding applications are due by July 28, 2023. Due to the complexity of decision package development, late submissions will not be considered.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When will we know how much Tech Pool funding we will get as an agency compared to our approve request?

Answer: Agency Allocations– each agency that applied for funding will receive the FY 2024 allocation as identified in their agency workbooks.

The LSR Funding Pool funding is subject to the conditions, limitations, and review requirements of section 701 of 23-25 budget.  As a result, One Washington is required to complete a Technology Budget and receive approval for the Technology Pool-Agency Remediation Costs Subproject Phase 1A.  When the Technology Budget is approved, One Washington will work with OFM-Statewide Budget to release allocations to agencies.   

Agencies will receive an allocation letter and an update to the Expenditures Authority Schedule. 

Question: Can we start spending July 1, 2023 even though my agency has not received its allocation for FY 2024?

Answer: Yes, agencies may begin tracking expenditures and Journal Voucher expenditures to the correct chart of account coding once the allocation letter has been received.

Question: What about FY 2025 remediation funding?

Answer: One Washington will submit a decision package to have Legacy System Remediation funding available in FY 2025.  The decision package will be based on updated agency workbooks and any new agencies that apply for Legacy System Remediation funding. 

Question: What if my agency needs to use LSR funding for additional contractor work? Can we can transfer money requested for state staff salaries to contractors instead? 

Answer: Yes, an agency may use funding on contractors instead of state staff in the approved job classes for system remediation.  Funds may only be utilized on approved systems. 

Question: Is OFM expected to manage the gated funding?  

Answer: One Washington partners with WaTech (OCIO) and OFM Statewide Budget for gated funding, per Section 701.  Remediating agencies were not required to complete a technology budget to receive their LSR Funding allocation for the 23-25 biennium. 

Additional Legacy System Remediation Resources:

  • General LSR Frequently asked questions (pdf): answers to commonly asked agency questions regarding the process of remediating or retiring legacy systems.
  • Roles and responsibilities (pdf): collaborative roles and responsibilities of One Washington/OFM, state agencies, and the Office of the Chief Information Officer. 
  • Change request form (docx): for use by agencies that wish to add, remove, or edit the disposition of systems listed on their legacy system remediation letter.


  • Data governance strategy (pdf): an umbrella document for the One Washington program. It provides guidance for data management, conversion and other data related initiatives that may be utilized by the software vendor, system integrator and/or the state of Washington.
  • Data management strategy (pdf): overall guidance for all data-related activities (data integration, data conversion etc.) and will be governed by the data governance strategy defined above.
  • Data conversion overview (pdf): the strategic direction for the conversion of legacy data to enable the ERP system to operate throughout the phases of the One Washington implementation.


  • Data integration strategy (pdf): a guidance document for all types of data integration components for all phases.
  • Integration plan (pdf): converts the strategic direction to an actionable plan to drive the architecture/build/delivery of the data integration components.
  • Crosswalk clarification document (pdf): It is common practice in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations to leverage crosswalks to manage data translations between the ERP (Workday) and legacy systems. This crosswalk clarification document provides the definition and purpose of the One Washington crosswalks, also provides examples of integration use cases for the enterprise integration crosswalk (EIC). Versioned July 2022. 

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