One Washington budget resources
2020 One Washington supplemental budget
- Supplemental budget update from One Washington Executive Director Vann Smiley, April 2020
2021-23 One Washington budget
2021-23 One Washington budget development
- 2021-23 OFM budget instructions Agency budget development process: This document outlines the OneWa budget request process flow, allowing agencies to track their next actions and steps required.
- Agency budget development process talking points Budget development timeline: This document provides a high-level timeline of the OneWa budget development process, tracking activities beginning with the conclusion of this spring’s agency systems and interfaces inventory project and ending with the release of the Governor’s approved biennial budget in mid-December.
- Agency budget request checklist: A brief checklist of key activities, including deadlines and requirements, that agencies will need to complete their OneWa-related budget requests.
- Budget development workshops: This document outlines the purpose, dates and times of the budget workshops, recommended actions and attendees for agencies, and how to sign up for the July 2020 workshops.
- System and data inventory agencies (44): This document lists all 44 agencies that had identified systems and interfaces that will be impacted by the ERP system.
- System and data inventory agencies (15): This document lists the 15 agencies that have been pre-approved to submit OneWa budget requests. If your agency is among the 44 agencies with identified systems and interfaces impacts but are not included on this list, then your agency must complete the budget exception form.
- Agency budget exception process and form: This document outlines the exception criteria and justification form for the 29 agencies who are not included in the list of agencies who have been pre-approved to submit OneWa budget requests OR those 15 agencies who have additional technical resource needs. It contains two key components: 1) a description of circumstances that warrant agencies to submit an exception form, and 2) the justification criteria form and routing information for submission to the OneWa program team. Budget request process FAQs: Frequently asked questions about the OneWa budget request process.
- Meeting presentation and recordings from budget kick-off sessions - June 22, 2020 and June 25, 2020
2021-23 One Washington technology pool
2021-23 One Washington technology pool (phase 1a, fiscal year 2022)
- Presentation and meeting notes from One Washington technology pool kick-off meeting (June 7, 2021).
- Presentation and meeting notes from One Washington technology pool check-in meeting (June 18, 2021).
- One Washington technology pool timeline (phase 1a): high-level timeline of the One Washington technology pool process.
- One Washington agency pools one-pager: high-level summary of the two pools (agency OCM pool and One Washington technology pool) and a list of which agencies are eligible to apply for resources from each pool.
- One Washington Workday functions and capabilities - finance: information on finance functionality available in the Workday ERP system.
- One Washington summary of technical documents (June 2021) - phase 1a: information on One Washington’s implementation of the Workday ERP system.
- Note: this document will be updated as additional information becomes available.
2021-23 One Washington technology pool budget request development (Summer 2020)
Resource calculation tools:
The following tools are available to help agencies identify potential impacts to systems and/or interfaces that support administrative business functions and calculate their potential resource needs. These tools may be used to estimate efforts and timeframes to update, replace or integrate agency functionality with the ERP. Tools will be continually updated as more information becomes available.- OneWa 2021-23 agency resource calculation tool instructions (pdf)
- Chart of accounts modeling (pdf)
- Illustrates planned changes to the chart of accounts (to the extent known today – see note below)
- Helps agencies to determine potential impacts and work needed to modify agency systems to support the new structure (e.g. legacy systems that are hard coded with AFRS data)
- Note: work is underway to redesign the chart of accounts but cannot be finalized until the system integrator is onboard
- Business process mapping (functionality)
- Defines administrative business functions and processes by domain area
- Illustrates possible dependencies or relationships between functions and processes
- For each process, lists planned capabilities, features and delivery timeframes
- See one-page overview for help using the report. Additionally a simplified version of this information is available.
- Business process mapping (functionality) talking points (pdf)
2021-23 One Washington agency OCM pool
2021-23 One Washington Agency OCM Pool (phase 1a, fiscal year 2022)
- One Washington agency pools one-pager: high-level summary of the two pools (agency OCM pool and One Washington technology pool) and a list of which agencies are eligible to apply for resources from each pool.
- Application and instructions for agencies that are automatically eligible to apply for the agency OCM pool.
- Exception request form, application, and instructions for agencies that are eligible by exception to apply for the agency OCM pool.
- Presentation and meeting notes from the One Washington agency OCM pool townhall (June 8, 2021).
2022 One Washington supplemental budget